Monday, 23 September 2013

Xavier Project

The Xavier project aims to improve refugee children’s access to quality
education in Uganda.

I am going out to work with the project for 3 months from November 2013.
Contributions are welcome towards the purchase of reading scheme books.
Have a look at the website

Monday, 1 April 2013

Big Weave at Byhlls Acre Primary School of the school logo
the children in KS 2 worked on the weaving and created oak leaves from felt. 
this weaving will hang in the school hall  for all to see. 

Tuesday, 14 February 2012

printing examples

here are some examples of printing techniques that I have been exploring:

above is an example of a collagraph printing plate made with card and textured wallpapers. I think this is as lovely as the actual print!

here is a print emerging from the press.
Welcome to my  Blog !I have just started to set up this blog to share my art activities.